New distribution of Tecan
Gamidor Diagnostics is proud to announce the new distribution agreement with Tecan.
Starting from July 1, 2023, Gamidor Diagnostics will be ready to fully support TECAN customers in Israel, our company will handle all inquiries, provide technical and applied assistance by a skilled and professional team.
The companies TECAN and Gamidor Diagnostics work in close cooperation in order to ensure a continuous transfer of the company’s representation, and the continuation of providing a professional and high-quality service.
HemoScreen device for hematology POC tests
Rapid and accurate Point-of-care tests for hematology are much needed. Gamidor Diagnostics is proud to introduce the HemiScreen device.
The HemoScreen™ makes blood testing exceptionally simple. It uses a disposable cartridge that includes all necessary reagents and requires no maintenance or calibration. HemoScreen is the only 5-part CBC that is FDA-cleared for POC use.

New distribution of EliA Autoimmune tests
Gamidor Diagnostics is proud to announce it has been selected as the sole distributer for Thermo Scientific’s Phadia Laboratory Systems for Allergy & Autoimmune Disease testing.
Gamidor Diagnostics has been the distributor of Thermo Scientific’s Allergy tests – ImmunoCAP for over 20 years and now joins EliA tests for Autoimmune disorders.
Thermo Scientific offers 57 clinically relevant tests manufactured to help healthcare providers make a better diagnosis and more informed treatment decisions using EliA products. The test portfolio includes markers for the diagnosis of the most frequent systemic and organ-specific autoimmune diseases, including connective tissue diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, antiphospholipid syndrome, vasculitis and Goodpasture syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease, pernicious anemia, autoimmune liver diseases, and autoimmune thyroid diseases. Thermo Scientific offer extensive support that gives customers the confidence to provide first-class autoimmunity diagnostic service that puts the patient first.
Phadia Laboratory Systems are platforms specifically designed for diagnostic testing. The scalable systems are made to fit laboratory needs. The system range in size from the smallest system Phadia 200 to Phadia 250, Phadia 1000, Phadia 2500 and largest throughput system Phadia 5000.
Product line include the ImmunoCAP tests and assays – specific IgE tests for over 600 allergens, total IgE, Tryptase, specific IgG and IgG4 tests. ImmunoCAP diagnostics tests are acknowledged as the gold standard technology for specific IgE blood testing thanks to over 50 years of experience, more than 6,000 publications and references in multiple health guidelines.
A new concept of testing, introduced in Israel by Gamidor Diagnostics, is Molecular Allergy testing. Molecular Allergy can be tested on the Phadia Laboratory Systems or a multiplex platform – ImmunoCAP ISAC. Molecular Allergy tests allow us to identify components in the allergen source and to distinguish between specific and cross-reactive components to improve risk assessment and patient management.
ImmunoCAP® ISAC is a highly advanced tool for revealing the patient’s IgE antibody profile. This advanced technology enables a simultaneous measurement of IgE antibodies to a fixed panel of 112 components from 51 allergen sources in a single step, using only 30 ul of serum or plasma.

Company Training center
A new company training center opened in Ashdod. The center will host internal and external training for employees and customers. The center includes a laboratory with company products, interactive classrooms, working stations and a lounge.